
To inspire in present and past students of the College, a spirit of pride and loyalty that would encourage them to support the Alma Mater and each other in achieving their full potential, while ensuring that the interests of the Union and the College are congruent.
Mission Statement

1st Row From L-R: Khalid Burke (Communications Officer); Matthew Leach (VP Fundraising); James Walker (VP Student & School Affairs); Gregg Mannette (President); Nigel Campbell (Honorary Treasurer); Brevard Nelson (VP Membership); Dominic Romain (Assistant Honorary Treasurer)

2nd Row From L-R: Nagil Sampath (Teacher Representative, ex-officio); Douglas Camacho; Ryan Brown; Kevin Harris (Honorary Secretary); Rodney Patterson; Gregory Smith; Enrico Rajah; Rawle Russell (Principal, ex-officio); Jeffrey Dalton-Brown (Assistant Honorary Secretary)

Our history

The St. Mary's College Past Students' Union was inaugurated on Sunday, August 27, 1933. The proceedings began at 9.00 a.m. with a solemn High Mass in the College Chapel, with His Grace the Archbishop of Port of Spain, Most Rev. Dr. J. Dowling, O.P., D.D., presiding. After Mass, the gathering repaired to what was the "little study", where the meeting to formally establish the Union was held. The meeting was chaired by the Hon. Carl de Verteuil, C.M.G. Various speakers outlined in their addresses, their views on the objects for which the Union was being formed. 

The Vicar Provincial, the Very Rev. Fr. T. M. O'Neil, O.P., P.P., in his sermon at the Mass, had remarked that the aims and objects of the Union must be in keeping with the traditions of St. Mary's College. He also stated that the Union must be formed as a mutual help to one another towards teaching a true Christian life and as support to the present generation of students to equip themselves properly for the life before them. The Hon. Carl de Verteuil noted his certainty that the Union would be called upon to do an immense amount of good for Citizens and Society as a whole. The Principal of St. Mary's College, the Very Rev. Fr. J. J. English, C.S.Sp., in referring to the undoubted value of the sentimental aspect of a College Union, said that the roots of real and lasting Union of minds and hearts, are to be found in those early impressions which fashion and ennoble young hearts during school days.

From the practical point of view, he said that mutual support and benefit could only come from uniting. If the Union was to be strong, it must be of practical benefit to its members, above all, its younger members. Hon. Capt. A. A. Cipriani said that the exigencies of the times were driving men into forming a Union for their safety and protection. The alternative to banding together into one solid body in order to claim rights and privileges, was disaster.

The idea of an Old Boys Union was not a new one. Its formation had been precipitated by the staging, by past students on August 20th in the previous year, of a splendid banquet in honour of the visit of the Procurator-General of the congregation of Holy Ghost, the Very Rev. Fr. Emile Salomon, C.S.Sp., D.Ph., D.D. But the need for such a Union, accentuated by the success of this function, was appreciated many years before. There is reference to Mgr. Gonin, who was Archbishop of Port of Spain from 1865 to 1889, thanking the past students, who had shown themselves more than usually generous to the College, for their beautiful gift, presumably the marble High Altar presented in 1882. Also, in 1885, a Past Student's Debating Society was formed, but it did not last very long.

The following were elected as the first officers of the Union:

President - Hon. Carl de Verteuil, C.M.G.

Treasurer - Mr. George C. Pantn

Honorary Secretaries - Messrs. J. T. Gonsalves, R. Vincent-Brown & Hugh G. Mazley.

Committee - Hon. Capt. A. A. Cipriani, Very Rev. J. J. English, C.S.Sp., Hon. (eventually Sir) E. L. Dos Santos, Mr. Michael Hamel-Smith, Mr. Gaston Johnston, Dr. E. Prada, Dr. C. F. Lasalle, Mr. J. E. Seh eult.

By the time of the first Annual General Meeting in 1934, the membership of the Union had grown to 171. At this Meeting, all members of the Management Committee were re-elected, except for Dr. C. F. Lasalle, who was out of the Island and Mr. Michael Hamel-Smith, who had died earlier that year. Dr. A. G. Francis and Mr. Weldon Ramirez were elected to fill their places. The following proposals were approved:

- Once a fortnight, on Saturday afternoons, use of the Library Hall would be allowed to members, from 6.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m., to play cards, chess draughts etc.

- The formation of a Sports Sub-Committee to organize the College Sports, games among past students and matches between past and present students.

- The setting-aside of a day each year to celebrate "Union Day", with members engaging in various sporting activities and culminating with a concert or smoker.

- Members be invited to participate in the debates organized by the Debating Society of the College.

- The introduction of theatrical performances by past students.